Dinosaur facts

1.Dinosaurs were around  in the Mesozoic era “The Age Of Dinosaurs”

During the era there were 3 periods they were called the Triassic , Jurassic  and Cretaceous

2. Stegosaurus had a brain the size of a walnut.

Stegosaurus is considered likely to be the dumbest dinosaur , with a brain the size the size of a walnut measuring just 3cm and only weighing 75 grams.

3. The largest dinosaur was over 40 meters long.

Argentino was the largest dinosaur to exist , it measured over 40 meters that is as long as 4 fire engines , it was also the heaviest dinosaur weighing 70 tonnes.

4. Some dinosaurs swallowed rocks to grind up their food.

The rocks then stayed in their stomachs and helped them grind up food.

5. A cheetah could outrun every dinosaur that existed.

Slim dinosaurs like the composthagnus and orhithomimus were some of the fastest dinosaurs.


1 What I learned : Every fact up there

2 Why I chose the topic : Cos it was the only one i felt like doing

3 Who else would like this topic : People who like dinosaurs.